In the first week of October 2020, investor education and protection will be promoted on six continents through the World Investor Week, an initiative of International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). During the event, financial institutions, international organizations, investor associations and other stakeholders will offer a variety of activities world-wide to raise awareness about the importance of investor education and protection in their own jurisdictions. While World Investor Week is scheduled from the 5 to 11 October, jurisdictions can choose alternative weeks in October or November.
The World Federation of Exchange has organized a “Ring the Bell for Financial Literacy” ceremony. More than 35 Exchanges and CCPs around the world will ring the bell for financial literacy during the week or offer financial literacy-related activities in support of World Investor Week.
A key objective of the WIW is to deliver key messages for all investors to help them make sound investment decisions. Part of this year’s campaign is to warn investors not to be tempted to invest in risky products by misleading information. The WIW key messages for 2020 highlight the basics of investing, including, among other things, the importance of assessing the impact of fees when choosing an investment and understanding that all investments entail risks.
The World Federation of Exchange has organized a “Ring the Bell for Financial Literacy” ceremony. More than 35 Exchanges and CCPs around the world will ring the bell for financial literacy during the week or offer financial literacy-related activities in support of World Investor Week.
A key objective of the WIW is to deliver key messages for all investors to help them make sound investment decisions. Part of this year’s campaign is to warn investors not to be tempted to invest in risky products by misleading information. The WIW key messages for 2020 highlight the basics of investing, including, among other things, the importance of assessing the impact of fees when choosing an investment and understanding that all investments entail risks.