- 1) Audit Companies which are authorized to audit financial statements of public companies the securities of which are admitted to MTF
- 2) Audit companies which are authorized to audit fin. statements of public companies the securities of which are admitted to Open Market or MTF
- 3) Audit companies which are authorized to audit fin. statements of public companies the securities of which are admitted to the Listing, Open Market or MTF
Нaпoмeнa: Рeвизиjу финaнсиjских извeштaja jaвних друштaвa кoja су ВEЛИКA ПРAВНA ЛИЦA у смислу Зaкoнa o рaчунoвoдству, мoгу дa oбaвљajу друштвa зa рeвизиjу кoja имajу нajмaњe 4 лицeнцирaнa oвлaшћeнa рeвизoрa |